Managers need time and space to develop themselves continuously and to develop genuine leadership competence. At the same time, this competence development should be aligned with the company to establish a uniform understanding of leadership among all the executives. These goals can be achieved sustainably with a development program that is closely aligned with the company's needs and market situation. Each program is geared to the specific leadership competencies that an organization wants from its executives. We take care to build on the existing leadership culture and develop it step by step. The participants in the programs thus become multipliers of the new understanding of leadership in their organization.
Topics of Our Leadership Programs
Our leadership programs consist of the following topics:

Self-Reflection on Your Own Leadership Profile:
This module is about the development of your individual development roadmap for the program. Together we reflect on your leadership style, analyze your strengths and weaknesses, establish an understanding of leadership concepts, and define your development goals. In this process of analysis and goal-setting we always integrate the value and leadership models of the organization we work with.

Digital Leadership
Managers practice to conduct virtual meetings and workshops and learn strategies and methods to lead teams virtually. We are happy to adapt and work with the digital tools and platforms used in an organization.

Team Analysis
In this module we cover insights into modern team research, look at team roles and how you as a leader can develop a shared vision with your team. In doing so, we pay attention to a fit with the strategy of your business unit and your organization.

Change and Innovation
In these modules managers establish new styles of thinking and learn strategies and methods to drive change and enable innovation. The content is tailored to the specific situation of an organization and its understanding of process and project management.

Employee Communication
In different modules we analyze and train typical communication situations. Examples are feedback conversations, criticism discussions and employee evaluations. We also help you to develop a coaching approach. We always develop this modules tailor-made for organizations. The bases are guidelines, workshop and training formats and easy to follow manuals to apply the learned material effectively.

Network and Cooperation
Especially in larger companies, we value a mix of participants in our programs from different areas and management levels. This is how we make an active contribution to cooperation across all business units.